Egypt Reflection – 1 year on

Going to Egypt in 2020 fulfilled my childhood desires to touch the pyramids and camels. I had no idea what to expect as we disembarked from Egypt airlines. I felt as if I was going to experience something that I never thought I would have the opportunity to witness in this lifetime.
I felt totally immersed in the feeling like I was home.

My soul was restored to rest.

I was captivated by the beautiful people, busyness and colour; it was like drinking an elixir made by my soul in memory of my past life. There were so many aspects of the Egyptian culture that intrigued me.

One of my favourite experiences was the hot air balloon ride over the Valley of the Kings. It was the biggest dream of my life and it was everything I had hoped and imagined. I felt that we had unseen company from the spirit world guiding us and keeping us safe. As we silently scudded across the ancient vista, I felt very comfortable.

The architectural scale of the pyramids and temples dwarfed us while the residual power of the energy enveloped us in exquisite awe.

The generosity of the local people was such that we visited a Nubian family in their home and joined with them for a beautiful authentic meal.

The three nights on the river Nile did not disappoint either. We lit lanterns in respect and love of our loved ones passed over and watched while they floated off into the evening sky. It was a very touching moment for me and it epitomised a healer’s journey.

The Egypt tour in 2020 was such a success that I am currently working on coordinating a subsequent tour called a Soul’s Dimensional Journey – Egypt 2025. It promises all of the same adventure and spiritual intrigue, plus more.

I believe the people who are drawn to these soul journeys are responding to an inner calling and it can only be assuaged by physically being amongst the energies that permeate Egypt.

Yours in service for the truth,
Melanie xxx


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Soul's Dimensional Journeying


Come on a spiritual adventure to ancient sites with Melanie Crawford and be guided with messages from another world. Our souls are longing to return to the place that feels like home so come travel with me on our soul’s dimensional journey.

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